Areas we service:
Whangãrei Heads
One Tree Point
Waipu / Waipu Cove
Langs Beach
Hibiscus Coast

Bach / Holiday Home Cleans
We specialise in holiday home cleans (including Airbnb, Bachcare, BookaBach, VRBO and private holiday homes.
Casual Bach / Holiday Home Cleans - minimum charge 2.5 hours.
Services cover:
Kitchen; benches, oven tops/fronts, fridge fronts, dishwasher, microwave, splash-back, cupboard fronts
Bathroom; basins, toilets, baths, showers (traps are always cleaned in shower floors)
Dusting and polishing all surfaces
Vacuum all carpets and rugs
Mopping all hard floors
Spot cleaning walls and switches
Wiping down skirting boards
Wiping out internal fridge and oven
Basic wipe down of BBQ - if a full clean is required an additional $50 charge will apply
Not included (price on application):
Fridge cleaning (complete defrost and freezer)
Oven cleaning (rates start from $85 incl GST) )
Offsite washing and drying linen (charged at $60 incl GST)
We offer a restocking service; tea, coffee, cleaners, toilet paper, gas bottle refill etc. (charged at $60 incl GST)
Bachclean NZ Ltd has a Smoke Free Policy, ensuring our team is protected from working in environs where they might be exposed to second-hand smoke in indoor work areas. We are proud to spread the smoke free message and help the health and wellbeing of our cleaning team and clients alike.